Prevalence of Anemia among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at Howlwadag MCH, Mogadishu
Anemia, prevalence of anemia, pregnant women, antenatal care, multigravidae, PrimigravidaeAbstract
Background: Anemia in pregnancy is a common problem in most developing countries and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. In pregnancy, anemia has a significant impact on the health of the fetus as well as that of the mother. 20% of maternal deaths in Africa have been attributed to anemia. Objective: To assess the prevalence of anemia and its associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at Cariif MCH, Holwadag District, in Mogadishu, Somalia 2018.Methodology: Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted at Cariif MCH, Holwadag District, in Mogadishu, Somalia 2018, from April to May 2018.
Data were collected using pretested questionnaires. A total of 60 pregnant women were included in the study. Data were entered and analyzed using STATA version 20. Result: In the study the prevalence of anemia was 51.7% percent among pregnant women (31 out of 60). The study has shown that age of the pregnant women and family size were found to be significant. Pregnant women at age of 15--25 were less likely to be anemic compared to those pregnant women at the age of 26-37. Conclusion and Recommendation: In this study the prevalence of anemia is 51.7% among pregnant women. Comparing the national prevalence of anemia in pregnancy (45.5%) it is higher, needs high effort by other researchers. the Sensitization of pregnant women by health providers to encourage early ANC visit and to continue supplements of iron and foliate throughout pregnancy. the Provision of health education on anemia and importance of visits at least four times during pregnancy.