Knowledge and attitude regarding toxoplasmosis among pregnant women attending Banadir hospital antenatal clinic
Background Toxoplasmosis is a common condition that occurs worldwide in most birds and warm-blooded mammals, including humans. In most cases, toxoplasmosis does not have any symptoms. This is because a healthy immune system is usually able to defend the body from the parasite and prevent it from causing illness.
Objectives The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitude toxoplasmosis among pregnant woman attending at ANC Benadir Hospital, Mogadishu, Somalia.
Methodology A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted among pregnant women attending at Banadir hospital ANC with sample size of 352 and purposive non-purposive sampling technique was used, structured questionnaire was used for data collection and data was analyzed by using SPSS (20).
Result The Study was found that the majority of women 51.7% had average level of knowledge regarding toxoplasmosis, while majority of studied 79.5% had positive attitude and 20.5 negative attitude. A moderate positive correlation was found between knowledge score and attitude score of pregnant women.
Conclusion Based on the results of this study, pregnant women had average knowledge toward toxoplasmosis. Study recommended to reduce complication of toxoplasmosis to the pregnant women pregnant women should provide an educational program about toxoplasmosis infection and measures of prevention. Nursing and midwifes are two health personnel’s working in the community should be equipped with adequate knowledge and skill to educate the women on breast self-examination. The study suggests further study about practice toward breast self-examination.